As a teenager, I remember very well being jealous of my friends when they told me what they had done on their holidays. Back then, I probably didn't understand the situation my mother was in, but I understood that if I wanted something I had to start working so I could get money for what I wanted. My working career started when I was 13 years old and I felt a little proud when I bought my first small box TV, it had lots of stickers on it, because it was mine!
My mother was a single mother with three children and she did not receive any support from the other parent. Financially it was probably tough for her and personally I don't think I was very helpful with my teenage mood. I don't think my two brothers were either.
I didn't ask and I don't know how she rarely managed to get any activity done. I guess maybe she wasn't far from personal bankruptcy? But she worked hard so that maybe we could have some kind of vacation that I would actually talk about to friends. I got a trip to riding camp. Yes, strange when I have 19 dogs. I am originally a horse girl and miss that bit today. My mother has actually mentioned that I was quite afraid of dogs when I was younger, but horses were something of their own. So how I ended up with 19 dogs is another story.
I don't really know if I have thanked my mother. So I'll take a few words here, because I know she's going to read this. Thank you mom for not giving up. Thank you for working so hard to give us at least a little something. The little thing may not have counted then, but I see it now.
In the media, it is constantly about war, electricity prices, fuel prices, food prices. Everything is increasing!
I feel it very well myself. After all, dog food has risen by 30-40% in one year. Not to mention the price of electricity and fuel. Yes, my wallet is sweating it too, but this is not what I want to continue with. Today's difficult economic situation has made me think of when I was younger and my mother was alone with three children. There are probably many single mothers and yes, we have single fathers and. They can struggle just as much. I think of their children, especially now that Christmas is approaching. What will they talk about to their friends when they get to school in the new year. There are probably many single parents today who struggle and don't quite know what to do for their children at Christmas.
I am a December child and celebrate my birthday on December 5. I am incredibly happy to give instead of getting, although I have to learn to accept when something is offered to me and. How then can I demand that everyone accept what I give.
My dogs and I are always interested in experiences and memories. After all, this is what we take with us into our lives, and we will never lose this, even if we might lose everything else.
From now until my birthday, I would like you or someone you know who falls into this category to write to me by email. Tell me your story and about your children as much as you feel you can share with me. I am obviously not sharing this further. Especially not without permission. But if the winner wants to share their story as well as the experience in a blog post in the New Year, that's a plus. Remember your name and the best way to contact you.
- Those who are nominated must be single parents.
- actually fancy a dog experience on a seat in the mountains in December. In other words. The nominees should perhaps not be terrified of snow, cold, dogs, the old cabin method where the bathroom is outside, but must do my best to make it as comfortable as possible. But this is old fashion cabin life with a bonfire, not a modern one.
- Don't be afraid to share the experience with an adventurous person (me) with 19 dogs.
- The nominees must live in the eastern part of the country. For part of the prize is the journey to get to us.
- Might come one day in Romjula.
Included in the prize:
- An overnight stay at the setera where we are staying during Romjula.
- Travel to from home and setra.
- Food
- Dog sledding experience and other activities we manage to find here at Setra from the time you arrive until you leave.
Unfortunately, I don't get to offer all the nominees an experience, but I would like to make a difference to at least one family, if this is a success I may well do something like this again. The winner will be contacted, but it is up to the winner if I announce this publicly. I of course hope they are on board, but not one of the criteria. That is not the focus of this competition.
If you do not fall within the criteria here, perhaps there is someone you know who does? Someone you think deserves such an experience. Then just nominate them by telling the story about them, attach how I can contact them so that if they are the winners I can get hold of them and tell them.
Otherwise, I wish you all a really good autumn and may someone you meet light up the dark November autumn days.